Oliver Consulting was incorporated in 2004 to provide specialized international taxation services. Our Firm is member of Morison Global and Grupo KMC as well.

Morison Global is an international association of independently owned and managed professional services firms. Professional services are provided by individual member firms. Morison Global does not provide professional services in its own right. No member firm has liability for the acts or omissions of any other member firm arising from its membership of Morison Global.

Previously, the members of our Firm actively collaborated in two of the Big Four Accounting firms, and the Mexican Tax Administration Service (SAT). Our Managing Partner, Gabriel Oliver, MBA, worked for the Federal Government acting as Mexican Competent Authority with a special focus on transfer pricing issues, representing the Mexican Government before the Multinationals’ Taxation Working Group of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (WP6, OECD, Paris).

The professional experience of our partners was analyzed by the OECD during the full-peer review carried out by such organization to the existing transfer pricing practices implemented in Mexico. The results of such detailed review were positive overall, according to the following OECD report: https://web-archive.oecd.org/2012-06-14/77762-oecdgivespositiveevaluationofmexicostransferpricingsystems.htm

Risk exposure to tax audits for multinational Groups is substantially increasing in recent times… we can provide you with timely and reliable advise:

Transfer Pricing Audits Likely to Rise, Tax Expert Says

Master Plan 2024 SAT


Our Firm has served clients participating in the following economic sectors:

Department stores

Chemical Industry

Food Industry

Logistics services


Books and Printed Materials

International Transportation

Plastic and Rubber Industry Suppliers

Pharmaceutical Industry

Auto Parts Manufacturing

Mining Industry

Maquila and shelter operators

Broadcasting Industry, Press and Printed Media

Information Technology Services

Financial Sector

(Banks, Insurance, Leasing, Treasury Entities, Afores, reinsurance intermediaries, SOFOM, etc.)


Oliver Consulting

Gabriel Oliver

Managing Partner

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María de la Luz García

Transfer Pricing Partner

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Our advisors are always ready to help

    Gabriel Oliver
    Managing Partner

    Gabriel Oliver holds degrees as Public Accountant from Universidad Iberoamericana, Certified Public Accountant from the National Institute of CPAs (IMCP), Master in Finance from Universidad Anahuac Norte, and Master in Valuation from Universidad de Guadalajara.

    Mr. Oliver was senior auditor in charge of audits for financial and tax purposes at Coopers & Lybrand Mexico (now, Price Waterhouse Coopers, S.C.) and Director of the Transfer Pricing practice at KPMG Cárdenas Dosal.

    Mr. Oliver collaborated previously in the Mexican Treasury Department (SAT) as Deputy Director General of International Tax Audit and he was in charge of the APA and transfer pricing audit programs and acted as Mexico’s representative before the OECD and foreign tax administrations as transfer pricing competent authority. At the same time, Mr. Oliver was instructor designated by the OECD in transfer pricing matters, as well as member of diverse Mexican negotiating delegations or the Free Trade Agreements signed by Mexico (NAFTA, European Union, Japan, etc.). President of the national transfer pricing Commission of the Mexican Institute of Certified Public Accountants (IMCP) for the period 2017-2019.

    María de la Luz García
    Transfer Pricing Partner

    Transfer Pricing and International Tax Services Partner at Oliver Consulting, S.C. Public Accountant of the Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey (ITESM).

    Ms. Garcia acted as Sub director of Advance pricing agreements in the Central Administration of International Tax Audit of the SAT and participated as part of the analysis team in various competent authority proceedings with foreign tax administrations (e.g. IRS). Ms. Garcia previously acted as Transfer Pricing Partner at BDO Hernández Marrón y Cía, S.C.